After Utopia: The Birds

Sadberk Hanim Museum, September 10, 2022- July 31, 2023

Sadberk Hanım Museum presents “After Utopia: The Birds,” a solo exhibition by glass artist Felekșan Onar, in a multidisciplinary collaboration with writer and curator Arie Amaya-Akkermans. It is the first contemporary art intervention at the museum. Spanning across sculpture, theater, video, archaeological artefacts and field research, “After Utopia: The Birds” is conceived around three main components: a series of new glass sculptures in conversation with selected artefacts from the museum’s collection, a contemporary play made into a short film, and a monograph of the research process undertaken over the course of two years by the artist and the curator. Housed in the top floor of the museum’s archaeological section, it is the first exhibition of its kind in Turkey.

Figurine, Messenger Birds, Tereus

Following from the success of her celebrated project “Perched” that began its journey at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Onar’s most recent work, titled after the exhibition, is a sculptural series returning to the language of birds in traditional glass making, using kiln casting and mouth-blowing in plaster molds, and referencing millennia of glass making in the region dating back to the Late Bronze Age. These birds, however, tell a story without a defined time or space, but that was first told in the year 414 BC: They are the main characters in a dramatic sketch, written by Amaya-Akkermans, as a reception play on Aristophanes’ The Birds. Inside the vitrines of the archaeological display, the birds initiate a series of complex conversations with archaeology about multi-temporality, the meaning of deep past and inquiring on the ways in which humans shaped it. 

Ottoman Iznik tile and Perched.

Perched birds

The play serves as the script of a short film, produced and directed by the curator, asking similar questions to those of Aristophanes’ play, yet addressing a contemporary audience: Are utopias possible? How to redirect the historical imagination? What happens after a disaster? Turning to popular ballads in Karamanlidika, as a metaphor for dislocation in time, and visually revisiting the sites of the Karamanlides’ presence in Anatolia, the film was first conceived as an oral theater performance. Out of this comic universe, from the classical old comedy to the Karagöz shadow play, new narrative possibilities appear on the horizon for these birds and their interlocutors in the exhibition hall: antiquities ranging from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman era. “Perched” is also a part of this artistic dialogue at Sadberk Hanım.

Janiform bottle, Odysseus and Perched

This unique conversation between different material pasts of the present and utopian, speculative narratives was possible only through a slow-conceived engagement with the cultural history of artefacts in the collection. The exhibition monograph, available in both Turkish and English, includes vast archival documentation of the curatorial process at the museum, a text of the play, and introductory essays on the intersection between contemporary art, the classical world, modern archaeology and literary theory. “After Utopia: The Birds“ runs at Sadberk Hanım Museum, everyday except Wednesdays from 10 am till 5 pm, starting September 10th, 2022, through February 28th, 2023. The exhibition is part of the parallel events of the 17th Istanbul Biennial, September 17 through November 20.

Messenger Birds and Perched birds